
#Sharetheload - Share the chores and multiply the love

Friday, June 19, 2020

Housework is usually seen as a woman’s domain. Her kingdom, so to speak, where she reigns supreme aided by a house help in some cases, and a lone warrior in others. However, this pedestal comes with a heavy price. Women take care of countless big and small tasks around the house that no one even notices. This continuous cycle of tasks can take a toll on the health and well-being of homemakers. That’s why it is so important to lend a hand proactively and #sharetheload in every home. 

My home has been no different. My mother, aided by the help, takes care of all the household tasks. The regular every day ones and the weekly, monthly, bi-monthly and annual cleaning. While my dad and I do help her from time to time, we never fully appreciated the full extent of the minute tasks she pays attention to. Until she fell sick during the current lockdown. She was down with fever for a couple of days and there was no house help to pick up the slack.

All of the tasks we didn’t even know she performed, fell on my dad and me. I saw my dad proactively looking for tasks he where he could help me, as I was juggling office work, looking after my mom and all the housework. This is when I realised that most of the times, it is not an unwillingness to help. Usually it is about making family members realise the amount of housework that needs to be done. Many of these are small tasks like refilling the water filter, placing the clean utensils back on their shelves, running the washing machine, putting the clothes out to dry, folding them and arranging the cupboard etc. can easily by shared by fathers, kids and husbands. 

Even with specialised tasks like cooking, family members (both males and females) can learn to help. I am not really a great cook, but I now knead the dough and help prepare rotis for dinner. My dad puts the clothes out to dry and is responsible for tasks like ensuring we take our immunity booster medicines every day. These little things help to #ShareTheLoad #ShareTheLaundry 

Our home is a much more relaxed place because we are sharing the chores and multiplying the love.  

I will #ShareTheLoad and help in household chores in association with Ariel India and BlogAdda 

I urge everyone to #ShareChoresMultiplyLove in their homes too.


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